Religious Education
'Christ at the heart of all we do' is central to our philosophy of religious education here at St. Anne's. RE pervades our whole school day; the curiculum; extra curricular and enrichment activities; break times and our relationships with each other. We use the national scheme, 'The Way, The Truth and The Life' to ensure that our children fully understand the scripture that the Catholic Faith is based on. We show how to follow the Gospel values by our example; our expectations and direct teaching.
We aim to support, extend and clarify our children’s faith by:
- Developing spiritual, social and moral behaviour based on firm Christian ideals.
- Providing the experience of living in a community within the framework of home, school and parish.
- Preparing our children for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
- Enabling children to develop an understanding of our faith and love of liturgy, sacraments and prayer through a variety of celebration and worship.
- Enabling children to acquire the foundations of faith through the teaching of doctrine in the context of their own life experiences and stage of development.
- Sharing gospel values, and bringing the children to a deeper understanding and love of God.
- We strive to foster a living faith, which will touch every aspect of their lives.
Parents can on request to the Headteacher withdraw their child from all or part of the religious education curriculum or from prayer and liturgy.
Mrs James is the RE subject lead. She is part of the Diocesan working party that provides resources to all schools in the diocese and she attends regular Diocesan RE subject lead meetings.
CLICK HERE to access our RE newsletters that explain what the children are learning in RE each term.
CLICK HERE to access our weekly newsletters for 2020-2021.
CLICK HERE to access the weekly Wednesday Word, a prayer resource for families.
The Way, The Truth and The Life
Formal RE is delivered through the scheme The Way the Truth and the Life, which is followed according to the Shrewsbury Diocesan guidelines.
The Way the Truth and the Life scheme is implemented from Early years through to Year 6. Each year is split into 6 topics, one per half term and is organised to coincide with major events in the liturgical year. Each year group studies a different topic.
CLICK HERE to find our more information about education in Shrewsbury Diocese.
Foundation & Key Stage 1
The Way, the Truth & the Life syllabus:
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
F1 God's World |
F2 God's Family |
F3 Getting to know Jesus |
F4 Sorrow and Joy |
F5 New Life |
F6 Church |
Year 1 |
1.1 God's Great Plan |
1.2 ] Mary Our Mother |
1.3 Families & Celebrations |
1.4 Following Jesus |
1.5 The Ressurection |
1.6 Miracles |
Year 2 |
2.1 Chosen people |
2.2 The Mystery of God |
2.3 The Good News |
2.4 The Mass |
2.5 Eastertide |
2.6 The First Christians |
Key Stage2
The Way, the Truth & the Life syllabus.
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Year 3 |
3.1 The Christian Family |
3.2 Mary, Mother of God |
3.3 Sacrament of Reconciliation |
3.4 Celebrating the Mass |
3.5 Celebrating Easter and Pentecost |
3.6 Being a christian |
Year 4 |
4.1 The Bible |
4.2 Trust in God |
4.3 Jesus, the teacher |
4.4 Jesus the Saviour |
4.5 The Early Christians |
4.6 The Church |
Year 5 |
5.1 Creation |
5.2 God's Covenants |
5.3 Inspirational people |
5.4 Reconcilliation |
5.5 Life in the risen Jesus |
5.6 Other faiths |
Year 6 |
6.1 The Kingdom of God |
6.2 Justice |
6.3 Exploring the Mass |
6.4 Jesus, the Messiah |
6.5 The Transforming Spirit |
6.6 Called to Serve |
To find out more about Religious education and Catholic Life of St. Anne's, please CLICK HERE