Serving others and the community
Throughout the year, the children dedicate time and energy into thinking about other groups in our community who might need support. They run fundraising activities which support the work of the wider community.
CLICK HERE to find out about how our Mini Vinnies are actively invovled in the community.
CLICK HERE to find out about the parish of St. Anne's.
CLICK HERE to find out about our Catholic High School, St. Thomas More's.
Some of the charities we support are:
The children of St. Anne's decorated stones to display next to the War Memorial in Nantwich. A lovely way to remember those who lost their lives in the great wars.
The children of St. Anne's made posters and pictures during school closures and displayed them proudly on our windows to say thank you to all NHS staff and to critical workers in our community. We are so very grateful for all their hard work and dedication during the pandemic, the most difficult of times. Morrisons proudly displayed their thank you banner in their store.
Faith in Action
CLICK HERE to read about our efforts to raise money for St. Luke's Charity. We raised an AMAZING £2568!
NSPCC Number Day